DUSTIN MCMAHON | designer by day, doodler by night

The Derschang Group


As the Graphic Designer I created new design themes for marketing and collateral materials, created menus from scratch (including layouts, descriptions, and visual collateral). Collaborated with creative team to design and produce computer-generated artwork for marketing and promotional materials. Undertook most production of print and promotional items for key clients under direction of marketing team.

Key Achievements:

  • Consistently produced fresh and innovative ideas and collateral.

  • Developed new art/collateral for multiple restaurants and bars that increased overall quality and visibility.

  • Started streamlined guidelines for draft to production processes.




Starting from scratch

The project given to me here was creating a new, more stylized menu to replace the old. The old was simple and slightly confusing, and certainly not very fun.

The new menu was to resemble a “Field Guide”. The left side with a description and illustrations I created on the right.

All the illustrations correlated the relics of the restaurant with titles and styles of cocktails.





updates and edits

The daily nitty gritty of my work at the Derschang Group office was a constant deluge of edits, revisions, and updates of menus, posters, promotions, and website updates for 6 restaurants, bars, and offices.

Edits and revisions would come to me via email with management and directors attached asking for all the changes for the day. Then I would make the edits, send them back, and wait for confirmation. If everything was accepted, then I would move everything to production. This involved me printing and cutting everything to spec, and updating all changes online.


something new

Often at the Derschang Group I was tasked with creating something new for an old promotion, such as happy hour. Taking old copy and giving it a fresh look.

Sticking with style guides and archived imagery, it was never to difficult to whip some new material.



At almost any given time of the year, there are events at one of the 6 establishments in the group. Often a promotion would be running, a donation of a portion of sales, and we would do a in company push to promote.

My job was often to make table tents and post signage to drive up awareness of these events, sticking with the brand guides of every location; every location has it’s own guidelines and styles.





Definitely one of the funner things put on my desk would be to make posters for shows and parties at one of our locales. There would often be a back and forth with directors and management. The project would start with no rules, and then after a number of revisions, a clear vision would emerge.


Special features

Other then holidays and parties, there would be party for just plain slow times of the year to drive up sales. An example of a successful party would be Prom Night, with signage and visuals created to give a twist on the nostalgia for 80’s and 90’s.