DUSTIN MCMAHON | designer by day, doodler by night

Seattle International Film Festival


Seattle International Film Festival


The Senior Graphic Design role is really a full-time design position as well as project and team manager. At SIFF I have curated design meetings with our other departments, outside vendors, and ad agencies; created several brands for individual campaigns; logos and iconography for the various facets of the company; created videos and motion graphics, web promos and sales; overall collaboration with many sponsors, agencies, and teams to put together festivals. Another avenue of my job was hiring, training and managing a team of five.

THE BIG FESTIVAL - SIFF’s eponymous film fest has been around since 1976.

This was the Brand Deck created for the 2020 annual festival in collaboration with the agency WONGDOODY. Every year SIFF and WONGDOODY work together to develop the guidelines, aesthetic, and toolkits for web and print marketing. then after promotions rollout we use a 3rd party to shoot video advertisements for screeners and web promos.

Video made in collaboration with Seattle ad and design agency Wongdoody. Together we created a visual style tile, storyboard, and graphic assets.

The final print poster. This is specifically the 11” x 17” poster with sponsors at bottom, but a 27” x 40” looking the same was printed for all cinemas in Seattle.

The final print poster. This is specifically the 11” x 17” poster with sponsors at bottom, but a 27” x 40” looking the same was printed for all cinemas in Seattle.

EVENTS AND PROMOTIONS - Other festivals and special events.


Children of Vertigo is a film and lecture series dissecting the influence of Hitchcock on future generations of filmmakers. The programing and development department asked me to pay homage to Saul Bass, done with a handcrafted font, color schemes reminiscent of Vertigo, and iconography representing spinning out of control and a dizzying stairwell. Along with the logo lock up, I made various posting and promotional materials.


Early bird promotions are an entire series of promotions that run from September until April promoting membership sales. After working with the Creative director and the board I developed an umbrella identity for the promotions using similar illustration styles, a common type set, and repeating patterns. Every promotion (9 in total) had to be sized to 12 different dimensions, along with animations created for social and email promotions.

The film series were created to showcase the breadth of American and world cinema, from Hollywood’s most legendary auteurs to today’s audacious indie stalwarts. Conversing with the programing and executive director, we developed a family of logos and looks for the series that join them together visually and lead the viewer to connect to the next film series. I also developed the guidelines for usage (when to use color, black and white, backgrounds, placement on social imagery, etc.).

Our music film series co-sponsored by KEXP.

Our music film series co-sponsored by KEXP.

This series is meant to capture the truly unusual.

This series is meant to capture the truly unusual.

Documentaries screened 1st Tuesday of the month sponsored by KCTV.

Documentaries screened 1st Tuesday of the month sponsored by KCTV.

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A community building monthly event for those that love talking about movies. People meet up for SIFF Movie Club, then join a post-film discussion at local bars.

I developed the look for Movie Club after studying my favorite 80’s production companies, eventually landing on the Orion pictures vibe. Every installment of the series was preceded with a social media and email blitz. Below is a sample of the rotating collateral made for Movie Club. This was for the promotion of our Videodrome night.

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2019 FESTIVAL TRAILER - Preview Trailer for the 2019 Fest.

The official trailer for the 45th Seattle International Film Festival (May 16 - June 9, 2019). Trailer put together in collaboration with WONGDOODY ad agency as a taste of the themes of the big event. They shot the footage in house and we edited it in Adobe Premiere. Every year after brainstorming sessions between SIFF and WONGDOODY (usually), a brand and tool guide are put together. Than to get things moving, and to build hype before we know the titles and personalities coming, we put together these sizzle reels with homemade assets.