DUSTIN MCMAHON | designer by day, doodler by night



Freelance Projects

These are some examples of Graphic Design projects, one-off’s, and charity work I’ve done. Included are work for paid clients and certain things I’m proud of that I did for trade because I believed in what they were doing.


Full Tilt ice Cream

The goal of this project for Full Tilt Ice Cream was to create new logo and packaging for an established Seattle company looking to explore new markets. Given a 3 week timeline to create a lookbook, establishing brand character, identity, visual look and feel, logo, proper use of logo, color guide, advertisements for publication in print and web, and collateral. Everything was to have a DIY, punk feel. A throwback to the Seattle of old, a major facet of the brand.



The NONAME Show poster was created as a poster you would buy at a show and frame for your home (like an adult, not the giant cheap kind a teenager would hang in their room and make their parents mad). The first step in the process was to listen to a bit more NONAME then I'd heard, collect art work of prior show posters, albums, and other media, then make a style and mood board. Next I sketched thumbnails till I got 40, then put my favorite 5 into a digital format. Once I chose which one I wanted  to finalize, I drew it buy hand, brought it into Illustrator, and used my color palette to bring it to life. After my visual content was locked into place, I laid it out into InDesign.

The idea behind the poster is that of a play on little red riding hood. Only here, our protagonist, a young women, is unafraid of the monsters that lurk in the dark. In fact, they need her.



Solstice Mobile Game

I was tasked by my client with making a pitch video for investors, a game that uses challenges and puzzles to help tween girls get excited about Science, Technology, Engineering, Math. The story picks up as our heroine is out scavenging for food near the village one day. She's about to leave the area without finding much, until she sees something sparkle in the rubble. She clears some of the rubble to find a strange device—it lights up and begins speaking as soon as she picks it up. The device tells our heroine that she has been chosen, like other girls across the world, to save not only her village but also the entire planet. The device guides the young girl to an ancient ship that players must fix through quests given by the ship’s computer.  The STEM learning takes place via video instruction and is applied during a quest in a story-based, problem solving scenario. Most quests unlock technology that can be used to upgrade your character and rebuild the ship, EOS so you can save your people. The also game includes social aspects in which players can leave posts for other players and eventually trade technology with one another. The process of creating the style and characters started with sketches and mood board creations that we did seperately. Then we brought that together, made cuts and zeroed in on a style we agreed on and did more iterations. With feedback from our demographic, we brought it all in digitally.



new year’s eve party 2017

This was made for party promoter Alex Valesco throwing a New Year’s Eve bash at Capitol Hill staple Saint John’s. They asked for something wild, electric, and fun; influenced by such artists as N1ARK, a German street artist.

Made entirely in Adobe Illustrator after some initial thumbnail sketches, I captured the feel of fun and danger they were looking for.



percussion farms charity event

Another piece made for Percussion Farms, but this was created as an advertisement for one of their fundraisers. After some discussion with the founders, we decided to go with an old jazz album feel, as we anticipated the crowd to be an older, vinyl collector kind of crowd coming to see live local music.

A variety of sizes (physical and digital) for print and posting online. Done using Adobe suites to give it that cut paper look.




The DREAMGIRLS poster was to be for outside advertisement of the theater.  The project goal was to create something beautiful that visually promotes, and reminds viewers of time long past. Nostalgic. Something that was functional and collectable.

My process was to research, study, and listen. I was only peripherally familiar with the musical, so I watched it with some friends at home. I then create moodboards, made 2 dozen thumbnail sketches, brought sketches into Illustrator and Photoshop, then laying out spread in InDesign. The faces and arms were hand drawn and scanned, and the dresses are blocks of color made in AI.

The vibe I was going for was that of 60's french pop albums, like the Montesa’s, and early Ray Charles covers, using their color schemes and illustrative stylings. 




Jubilee House is an amazing charity that raises money to house and educate women that need support after abuse or going through the justice system. Approximately 20% of there available funds come from their trivia night. So I was charged with getting a more butts in seats using posters, flyers, and posts.

A bright, “jubilant”, poppy look was what I wanted, showing a diversity of subject matter. After this event I maintain a strong relationship with the organization.




This poster originally was conceived for a poster series related to the Seven Deadly Sins. This particular art work was for old reliable, Greed. There were few guidelines for the project (other then to stay away from using Trump imagery. Too obvious).

I was then inspired to use this for a gig poster after hearing Rose Windows was doing a reunion tour after 5 years. The themes felt appropriate, and the band seemed in need of a visual reboot.