DUSTIN MCMAHON | designer by day, doodler by night
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The Brothers Latchkey

The Brothers Latchkey


The Brothers Latchkey is a webcomic I’ve been thinking about for awhile. Something for me. It’s the story of two “brothers” chain-smoking and fighting the forces of darkness in the woods, cemeteries, and abandoned lots of their dying town totally unsupervised. Inspired by The Monster Squad, Lost Boys, and sadly large parts of my childhood.


The Brothers Latchkey #1


The Brothers Latchkey #2


The Brothers Latchkey #3


The Brothers Latchkey #4


The Brothers Latchkey #5


The Brothers Latchkey #6


The Brothers Latchkey #7


The Brothers Latchkey #8


The Brothers Latchkey #9


The Brothers Latchkey #10